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Our Huddles

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How it Works

1 // Choose the right huddle for you: Whether you’re starting your parenthood journey or facing a breast cancer diagnosis - our Huddles provide you with the community and expertise you need

2 // Ask that burning question: We believe in the power of community questions. Want privacy? You can ask questions anonymously too.

3 // Count on same day answers: We have recruited best-in-class experts to answer all of your questions in less than 24 hours

Ask anything. Get same-day expert answers.

  • "When I was in the thick of first-time motherhood and was anxious and freaking out about everything, it was invaluable to me to get access to real doctors and specialists."

    Martha F, Early Parenthood Huddler

  • "I tell all my friends: Imagine Reddit… but only experts can answer. So simple and utterly revolutionary."

    Kyla D, Breast Cancer Huddler

  • "One Huddle is an amazing resource! The access to experts with fast, caring, trustworthy advice is the best part and why I will keep my subscription.”

    Sarah P, Early Parenthood Huddler

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When life’s big questions need expert answers

Email hello@onehuddle for beta access.


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